Disconnect Switches 3 Pole/Non-Fusible

Class I, Div. 1 & 2, Groups C, D
Class I, Zones. 1 & 2, Groups IIB, IIA
Class II, Div. 1 & 2, Groups E, F, G
Class III
NEMA 7 (C,D) 9(E,F,G)
Features – Specifications
Hazardous area due to the presence of flammable gases or vapors, combustible dust or easily ignitable fibers or flying
Use in accordance with the NEC/CEC where a horsepower rated quick make-quick break disconnect means for a motor and its controller is permitted.
30-60-100 Amp Housing
External handle is vault type with standard provisions for locking in “OFF” position with up to three padlocks
Provisions for locking in “ON” position available as factory modification (add suffix SU40 to catalog number)
Enclosure and external handle is cast copper-free aluminum alloy (less than 4/10 of 1%)
Cover bolts are stainless steel
Cutler-Hammer Type-DS Switches
30-60-100 Amp Housing
Two cast conduit hubs; one top and one bottom
Internal disconnect handle mechanism is a sliding plate mounted to the cover