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Pin & Sleeve Devices by Hubbell Insulgrip


At the present day, the Hubbell is the company, which that sets the standards for pin and sleeve performance, security, endurance, innovating, and ease of use. At this moment, it may be said that Pin and Sleeve Devices by Hubble have become a real standard in this sphere.

A new line of heavy duty Insulgrip Pin & Sleeve wiring devices both suggests complete interchangeability and delivers the goods when it comes to superior design and construction.

Hubbell Insulgrip Pin & Sleeve devices are engineered and built to handle today’s most demanding work environments. We can say that Hubbell the unsurpassed heavyweight in the heavy duty market.

Where you need something different from traditional all-metallic devices, Hubbell Pin & Sleeve wiring devices are what are you looking for. They are designed to provide metallic shrouding where you want it and a nonmetallic housing where you need it.
On top of that, Hubbell’s new watertight Insulgrip Pin & Sleeve wiring devices are designed with safety first and foremost. We have created the line with plant facility maintenance personnel and a safer industrial work environment in mind. To greatly reduce the likelihood of electrical shock, we developed our exclusive nonmetallic watertight system, meaning that with Hubbell on the job, the mix of electricity and water isn’t the threat it once was. So, whether the job calls for a welding outlet in a dry location or a motor disconnect in a wet location, step up to Hubbell Pin & Sleeve wiring devices.

Insulgrip Pin & Sleeve Grounding Method: Hubbell Offers Two Approaches

Ground Path
To reduce the likelihood of electrical shock, the National Electrical Code requires that noncurrent carrying metallic components be grounded. Insulgrip Pin & Sleeve wiring devices offer two styles of grounding.

Style I
Receptacles achieve grounding by attaching the ground conductor to the ground screw inside the back box and utilizing the metallic receptacle shell as a ground source (see 3P4W Style I illustration). Plugs and connectors establish grounding by means of connecting the flexible cable ground conductor to a ground terminal within each device, which, in turn, is grounded through the metallic plug or connector shroud. Any exposed metallic components are suitably grounded in the Style I offering.

Style II
The Style II ground path offers two means of achieving the proper ground path. In addition to utilizing the same grounding method as in the Style I product, the Style II version incorporates a separate ground pin and sleeve. This provides a second ground path in the event the primary ground path is disrupted. The ground pin on Style II devices is longer than other pins, meaning that they “make first” and “break last,” assuring protection for people and equipment.